Water transport challenges will be history in two months time following the soon to be introduced state-of-the- art multimillion dollar passenger vessel on Lake Malawi.
The development follows the advanced stage of assembling of the M.V. Chilembwe 120 passenger capacity water vessel which will start sailing on lake Malawi in two months time.

The Malawi Shipping Company is spending 8.5 million dollars on the vessel which is part of its long term investments for the country’s water transport sector.

The company is currently in the final phase of assembling the vessel that has modern sailing facilities and high speed double that of M.V Ilala vessel.

Government concessioned the water transport services to Mota Engil in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement with the aim to resuscitate the nose diving water transport status of the country.

The concession agreement was made in 2010 between Mota Engil and Malawi Government which spells out that within a period of six years Mota Engil will see to it that Malawi mush have a vibrant water transport for both passengers and cargo services.

Speaking to journalists that visited the assembling point in Monkey Bay, Marine Services Consultant and Advisor of Mota Engil Construction Company, Austin Msowoya disclosed that the new MV Chilembwe vessel will bring efficiency in water transport services as it has sound speed double that of the MV Illala vessel. He added that the new vessel will be launched end May or early June.

The ailing MV Illala is the remaining oldest water vessel that is still plying trade on lake Malawi with others like Mtendere and Chauncy Mapples grounded at Mombke Bak earmarked for Breaking and rehabilitation for a total different usage.

The MV Illala remain challenged to provide desired water transport services to the nation because it continuously breaks down as it has undergone numerous maintenance which include the replacement of its ailing engines.

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