The National Registration Bureau has rolled out birth registration exercise in ten districts of the country.
Spokesperson for the bureau Norman Fulatira says the exercise has begun in ten districts this far.
“The exercise is being done with financial support from UNICEF and European Union in all hospitals which have maternity wings in the districts,” he said.
The districts include Machinga, Lilongwe, Zomba, Mulanje, Dedza and Mangochi and from September on, the roll out will be in Chitipa, Blantyre and Ntcheu districts.
Meanwhile Machinga district hospital has expressed hope that more pregnant women in the district would be delivering in hospitals as they will be looking for birth reports for their babies.
”This exercise has not faced any challenge here for a week it has been existing because hospital workers were well trained before rolling out,” says spokesperson for the hospital Wongani Nyirenda.
On his part Machinga district assistant registrar Mbawaka Mwakhwawa, said issuing of birth reports would enhance child protection in the district.
“Let me ask parents to start giving newly born babies permanent names because change of names is only allowed within two years from date of birth and at a fee according to national registration act of 2010,” said Mwankhwawa
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