A Hollywood Hills home has become such a party Mecca that some are calling it the new Playboy mansion as neighbors fume over the all-hours influx of bikini-clad babes, Italian sportscars and free living.

Bastion Yotta and his wife Maria took up residence in the decadent pad overlooking Los Angeles in June and promptly threw a 350-guest red carpet housewarming worthy of the Tinseltown setting.

The couple even have a name for their excess-fueled, YOLO-inspired ways and–with their motivational speaking business and line of beauty devices–they say you can live it right along with them.

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Party house: Bastion Yotta and his wife Maria took up residence in a decadent pad overlooking Los Angeles in June and promptly threw a 350-guest red carpet housewarming worthy of the Tinseltown setting

Party house: Bastion Yotta and his wife Maria took up residence in a decadent pad overlooking Los Angeles in June and promptly threw a 350-guest red carpet housewarming worthy of the Tinseltown setting

Welcome to the Yotta Life. Here, the buxom babes float in cash-filled Jacuzzis, every day is an occasion to dress like a superhero and selfie-taking isn’t optional.

The couple, whose website appears to sell a line of ‘body forming’ machines as well as a method for losing weight in your sleep called MindSlimming and a mysterious product called GIBaCon that will ‘connect generations’, also invite the world to partake of the Yotta Life vicariously through their very active Instagram account.

It’s in these photos that the Yottas truly come to life. They appear to be perpetually surrounded by women as equally big bossomed as Maria and just as at home in a bikini.

The Yottas also use Instagram to espouse the benefits of positive Yotta Life-style thinking.

‘Every day I write down 10 things for what I am grateful. Sounds easy. Is easy but after a few days you feel much better,’ reads the caption on a photo of a Spandex-clad Maria Yotta inside the ultra-modern LA home.

Spiderman makes an entrance at the Yotta’s ‘party house’

Superheroes: The couple keep a very active INstagram account, where they document their 'aspirational lifestyle', which they call the Yotta Life. Superhero day can be any day when you live the Yotta Life

Superheroes: The couple keep a very active INstagram account, where they document their ‘aspirational lifestyle’, which they call the Yotta Life. Superhero day can be any day when you live the Yotta Life

Too noisy? Neighbors have complained that the Yottas are noisy and throw too many parties

Too noisy? Neighbors have complained that the Yottas are noisy and throw too many parties

Cash money: Cash is a common sight in the Yotta Life. Here, Bastion sits beside a trove of $10 bills

Cash money: Cash is a common sight in the Yotta Life. Here, Bastion sits beside a trove of $10 bills

Regal: The Yotta's claim they are on the brink of having a reality television show about their lives commissioned 

Regal: The Yotta’s claim they are on the brink of having a reality television show about their lives commissioned

One thing the Yotta Life doesn’t allow is letting a lack of ownership stand in the way of decorating a home to your unique specifications.

The Yottas don’t own the Hollywood Hills mansion (according to LAist, they rent if for as much as $40,000 per month), but that didn’t stop them from having a giant piece of artwork that depicts themselves painted onto the home’s garage door.

‘Welcome,’ reads the portrait of the Yottas and their dog, ‘The Fabulous Lotta Life.’

Another part of the Yotta Life is taking photos alongside celebrities. The couple have been snapped beside such luminaries as Arnold Schwarzenegger and magician David Copperfield.

But the most important part of the Yotta Life is being happy and looking good while you’re at it, which the couple does with the help of good old fashioned house parties.

Dressed for dinner: The Yottas are no strangers to revealing clothing. Here, Maria models her dinner outfit

Dressed for dinner: The Yottas are no strangers to revealing clothing. Here, Maria models her dinner outfit

Flaunt it: Maria Yotta lives her fullest life, in part, by taking frequent opportunities to flaunt her ample assets

Bastion is also a big fan of showing off his body and is often seen in the couple’s Instagram flexing his biceps

The Hollywood Hills home was a party house well before the Yottas showed up, Bastion claims. However, it was unclear if previous tenants partied quite as frequently or with such abandon

The Hollywood Hills home was a party house well before the Yottas showed up, Bastion claims. However, it was unclear if previous tenants partied quite as frequently or with such abandon

Superheroes or supervillains? The Yottas pose in sexy Catwoman and a Superman costume in their LA home 

Superheroes or supervillains? The Yottas pose in sexy Catwoman and a Superman costume in their LA home

Downtime: When the couple are not hosting their lifestyle parties they look and seem just like any other loved up pair

And, while it works for the Yottas, the neighbors are less than thrilled.

‘Maybe the neighbors are seeing beautiful girls walking in, walking out; maybe some of them get jealous,’ Bastion Yotta told the New York Daily News. ‘They’re thinking that this is the new Playboy mansion.’

However, Yotta maintains it was a party house well before they moved in–though he doesn’t say whether previous parties have included caged lions.

And when you’re able to spend upwards of $40K per month to rent a home, even your landlord doesn’t mind a little partying.

Danny Fitzgerald owns the home as well as several others in the area, which he rents out for short-term tenants to use as they please.

Fitzgerald told KTLA: ‘You gotta let people that are renting a big, beautiful mansion and paying a lot do what they want.’

Life style change: Bastion Yotta admits on his Instagram account that he was overweight and uninspired until a few years ago - now he is a veritable superman 

Life style change: Bastion Yotta admits on his Instagram account that he was overweight and uninspired until a few years ago – now he is a veritable superman

'Maybe the neighbors are seeing beautiful girls walking in, walking out; maybe some of them get jealous,' Bastion Yotta told the New York Daily News. 'They're thinking that this is the new Playboy mansion.'

‘Maybe the neighbors are seeing beautiful girls walking in, walking out; maybe some of them get jealous,’ Bastion Yotta told the New York Daily News. ‘They’re thinking that this is the new Playboy mansion.’

The home's owner Danny Fitzgerald, from whom the Yottas rent, told KTLA: 'You gotta let people that are renting a big, beautiful mansion and paying a lot do what they want.'

The home’s owner Danny Fitzgerald, from whom the Yottas rent, told KTLA: ‘You gotta let people that are renting a big, beautiful mansion and paying a lot do what they want.’

Living their best lives: The Yotta's frequently use their Instagram photos as a platform to espouse their belief in positive thinking

Living their best lives: The Yotta’s frequently use their Instagram photos as a platform to espouse their belief in positive thinking

Bastion says he takes attractive women under his wing as teaches them how to live a full life, hence the house being so full of women

Bastion says he takes attractive women under his wing as teaches them how to live a full life, hence the house being so full of women


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