The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological services has trashed a report circulating on the social media that the country will experience strong heat wave from 10 – 17 October 2015, saying what is speculated is not a heat wave.

The development comes amid abnormal weather changes the country is experiencing at the meantime.

In a statement made available to FaceofMalawi signed by Director of Climate change and Meteorological Services Elina kululanga, says Malawians should ignore the report.

“Malawi experiences very hot conditions in the month of October, which is normal. For instance, Ngabu in Chikwawa recorded 45°C in October in 1994. This heating is required to initiate the onset of rains.

“Currently, temperature forecast for Malawi from 10 – 17 October 2015 is indicating that the Shire valley is expected to record temperatures between 38- 42°C. Areas along the lakeshores areas are expected to record temperatures between 36-38°C. Elsewhere it will be as high as 32°C,” read in part the statement.

Added Kululanga: “For temperatures to reach a category of heat wave, they need to attain a certain threshold and persist for more than one week or two.”

Kululanga said though temperature forecasts for Malawi are indicating a pick for the Shire valley and Lakeshore areas, this pick will be there for the next three days, thereafter a slight drop is expected.

“Because of these variations, we cannot classify the expected pick in temperatures in the country for the next 7 days as Heat wave with fatal consequences. However, people need to take caution with such temperatures as may trigger what we call natural bushfires,” said Kululanga.

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