He is the poetic train whose vocal cord ferries the audience to the philosophical destination. The artist never allows fluency to languish on his lips. His versatile gestures on stage assures enthusiasts that his name is written in the scrolls of poetry.

Renowned poet, Raphael Sitima prescribes poems as an antidote to people’s mental health problems, loneliness, divorce, infatuation, stress, hatred, nepotism, tribalism, hypocrisy, child labour, gender based violence. Spanning from his primary school days, Sitima has been the household name in the indigenous poetry. He is unique that people do not need to sweat to know his awesome work. Many can actually identify his tongue even if he is performing at a distance.

“It has been the journey of ups and downs. But, my love for poetry never lost its bearings. I knew that one day poetry will be the talk of the moment.

Today poetry is considered as a significant means of communication in many sections of the non-governmental organizations and public institutions. Kudos to the World Vision, Save The Children, Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO), Plan Malawi International, Global Aids Interfaith Alliance (GAIA), the government just to mention but a few for the warm support whenever they invite me as the guest poet to grace their executive functions,” explains Sitima.

Raphael adds: “Poetry is not just for fun. It is the reliable vehicle that speeds up the purpose of selling Malawi’s tourism on the global market. Stakeholders boost various businesses when they choose poetry in their activities.

I understand that poetry is the genre that involves a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through the choice of language, patterns that makes public relations to be vibrant.”

Raphael responds positively to the importance of technology by producing more poetry DVDs in which the story line and visuals are able to depict the real message in the poems.

Many of his works can be found on YouTube.

Watch the poem, Ku Mulanje that describes Mulanje District in southern Malawi as the basket of nature that is bulged with streams, the extraordinary Mulanje cedars, haven for hiking, different types of fruits, and all sorts of things that meet the needs of curiosity. Try to tread  on Sapitwa Summit that rises above the tops of Mulanje cedars and you will not regret it.


Taste the sweetness of N’limbitse Mtima poem that visualizes the rare damsel called Naliyeti. Her gorgeousness has undoubtedly won the heart of a man who is thirsty for marriage.


The poem Kalata Kwa Jailosi, A Letter to Jailosi slots in an intriguing topic of love where the virgin, Lilian Chingaipe boldly asks the young man to take her hand to the family life.

You will know how love is celebrated in the unique way.


Raphael Sitima is a nurse by profession at Mulanje District Hospital.

He is also the Master of Ceremonies at social gatherings. So far, the poet has three audio poetry albums namely  Kalata Kwa Jailosi, Chala Changa, Mfiti Za Mfiti. And one DVD poetry album called Chala Changa on his artistic display.







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