The concepts of democracy are deeply rooted in obedience to the teachings of the Bible. Therefore, democracy cannot come naturally. It requires a different way of thinking.  The first step is that democracy must start from conviction in the heart. Unless the heart is convinced about the principles of democracy, the head will not operate according to the conviction in the heart. For the convictions in the heart to synchronize with the thinking in the head there is need for faith in God.  Faith in God rests on loving one another, sympathy for the poor and selflessness.

The Biblical argument on the origins of democracy is found Deuteronomy 17 v15   18-20 which says; quote; “Be sure to appoint over the king the lord your God chooses….. When he takes the throne of the kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law……..” This instruction was originally given to people of ancient Israel (Jews while on their way from Egypt). God was providing them with a method for electing a leader who would know Him). The instruction is very clear.  It is for the head o state and no other person.

The head of state has to read and write. He also has to copy the law from God in his own hand writing. Why does God require an elected head of state to copy the law by hand?  For him not to forget. In summary, God wants democratically leaders to know laws of the land by heart. From this it has become obvious that a head of state cannot ignore guidance and direction from God the Almighty for him to guide the leader. Surely, this shows that God cares that a democratically leader of a nation should always know Him because the citizens of the nation belong to him.

Failure to follow God’s direction had negative consequences to King Nebuchadnezzar II who was ruler of Babylon Empire. Daniel 4 vs. 28-37. King Nebuchadnezzar became a beast for seven years until the time he realized there was God –the master creator.