Over the weekend, MTL Wanderers Football Club went to the polls, where among other things they were expected to elect the Supporters’ chairman, where incumbent Yona Malunga was standing for re-election against Coxley Kamange, who is also the Secretary General of the Minibus Owners Association of Malawi (MOAM).

According to the constitution of the club, which states that only registered members of the club can take part in electing new office bearers, but this was not adhered to as the election was largely patronised by what others term as ‘roadside fanatics’ and not legitimate members of the club.

This led to the camp of Kamange pulling out of the election citing the floating of the club’s constitution; however the election which was being chaired by Hannock Ng’oma a senior official in the club hierarchy went on, where Malunga retained his position unopposed.

What beats the core of my mind is the fact that barely two days after the controversial elections, Hannock comes out into the open admitting that the laws were indeed flouted during this election.
However, did Mr Ng’oma not know that laws were being flouted when he nodded a go ahead to the process even if the other contesting party had pulled out amid membership protests?

It therefore must be said that Hannock should have done better to save himself the shameless embarrassment of such type of mediocre.

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