Loading ABC container #1

Every year at least one giant shipping container is sent to Malawi with supplies for the college, academy, clinic, and staff. Curious as to what a container looks like? Check out this post by fellow ABC staffers Jill and Jeremy.

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In This Life: Loading ABC container #1: “The warehouse before we started loading! Pretty much everything you see must go! Another view from the other end of the warehouse. …”

The warehouse before we started loading! Pretty much everything you see must go!


Another view from the other end of the warehouse.  The aisle is the only open space left.


The first thing on the container, carpet for the new EE (Evangelism Explosion) building being built on campus.  At least I’m pretty sure that’s what that is.  haha!


The view of the container a little after lunch.  Oh, it was a LONG day!


Jan hard at work keeping the manifest sheet up to date.  Gotta love Jan!!!


Josh helping to load!  These guys all worked their tails off (well, the ladies did too!!!!)


Helping to get some of the last few things onto the container.  We had a little extra room at the end so we started pulling whatever boxes/tubs we could find to fill up the extra space.  That’s where some of the missionary stuff was able to fit.  The rest will come on container #2 that will load in the next 2 weeks!  We gotta do it all again! ugh!


The empty space is STILL driving my OCD husband crazy!  But by this time I think everyone was ready to go home!


Locked up and won’t be opened until it hits Lilongwe, Malawi!


Off to the port of New Orleans!  I’m told it was put onto a barge the very next day.  Since he left at 4:30pm I’m hoping he made it.  But it’s only 2 1/2 hours to N.O.

It was a long and exhausting day!  I can tell you that we worked our tails off and tried our hardest to get items onto the container that we knew HAD to go which was the Academy, College, and Clinic stuff.  Then we worked to get as much missionary stuff as we could.  It was hard because a lot of the missionary stuff hadn’t been manifested (measured, weighed, numbered and added to a list).  We got a lot done though!  I’m excited that I’ll see it on the other end!!!  Wow!  Only 2 more months before we leave!!!