I attended a Women Of Worship meetin’ Saturday before last, and there is a reason they call these events WOW. We had some of the best food, fellowship, music and speakers ever. The verse chosen for the day was Jeremiah 15:17;
“Thy words were found and I ate them, and Thy words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; for I have been called by Thy name, O LORD God of Hosts.”
We had the honor of hearing JOY SONG, accompanied by Mary Ford on the piano. Then, we got to listen to Susan Sanson, a missionary/chaplain at the University of Malawi at Chancellor College in Zomba, Malawi, speak on “Abundant Living or Poverty Stricken”. She spoke about how God’s word is a FEAST for our souls, and how much He desires our fellowship at His table. I liked how she kept telling us how precious we are to our Heavenly Father. She was so encouraging. She reminded me that since we need beauty in our lives, so how much MORE do we need God’s WORD? I urge anyone who has a chance to hear this beautiful daughter of the King speak, do it. You will come away refreshed and blessed.
Kelly King, the Women’s Missions and Ministries Specialist for the Baptist General Convention here in Oklahoma got up and did a talk on “Feast: The Invitation To Dine With God.” She spoke of a Holy Hunger we should feel for God’s Word. It was awesome. I look forward to hearing her speak again if she is down this way.
The whole day was such a blessing for me. I came away even hungrier for God’s Word than before, and I intend to feast mightily.
Of course the next day was Mother’s Day, and Preach spoke about Godly mothers and their importance in life. Again I was blessed.
Last week, I got to stay home almost all week, and I got a lot accomplished–but still no garden planted. I may end up takin’ advantage of the local farmer’s markets this summer–but that’s okay. It won’t be too long before the wild blackberries around my home are ready to be picked, then I’ll be just about drownin’ in good flavor and antioxidents!
Now–the most excitin’ thing of all, is that this last Sunday I actually got to meet up with  my brother after 30 years. We had talked on the phone a few times after findin’ each other, but when we stepped out of our trucks at PIZZA HUT–well, we hugged each other like we were gonna snap in half! We had the most wonderful visit, and I am thrilled to say that he and the Redneck LIKE each other! And Obie is a little impressed with his new uncle too. I can’t believe I was so excited I forgot to TAKE PHOTOS! A small oversight that will not happen the next time we meet, I assure you!
Okay–well, I am in town today to drop a dog off at the vet to get her fixed. Bug is a small brown mutt that our family acquired on Super Bowl Sunday on 2004, when she and her mother were dumped in my mother-in-law’s driveway. A neighbor called to tell us that a woman had pulled up, dumped out a big bag of dogfood, and then dropped off a dachshund and a puppy, then drove off. The mom, who was dubbed Molly, was snapped up that night and adopted, but no one wanted this ugly little puppy who didn’t look  like anything other than a rat. So I brought her home, thinkin’ i would take to a local shelter the next day. WRONG. She and my son met, and that was that. She announced that she wanted to be called Bug, and Obie made it plain that she was HIS dog, so she has been with us ever since. I finally have the chance, so I am gettin’ her fixed. She is such a good dog–she is  my little huntress. Rabbits have no chance when she is on the prowl. She will shoot into a briar patch after one with no thought for the scratches she’s gonna get–her face bears testimony to that!  And she still adores my son. Once when she was a puppy, she tried to scare a thunderstorm away by barkin’ at it! i love my animals–every crazy one of them.
Well, I got chores. Later Ya’ll.

© 2011 by Evelyn Edgett

About Me

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I am a 50-odd (& getting odder every day, just ask my family) homemaker. I work to create a simple life here on our 10 acres with my husband & son. I serve the Lord with my whole heart on good days, and on bad ones I repent a lot for bad attitudes! I am a child of the Most High God, through His Son Jesus Christ. I have rough edges but a soft heart.

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