Benga Energy and Mining, a closely- held Malawian company, plans to build a $400 million coal-fired power plant in the country’s northern Karonga District, Benga Managing Director James Londomu Manda said.

The company is doing a feasibility study on the costs of the project, Manda said by phone today from Blantyre, the commercial capital.

“It’s envisioned that the Bengu power plant will generate between 200 megawatts and 250 megawatts of power,” he said.

Currently, Electricity Supply Corp. of Malawi generates about 287 megawatts, while total demand is more than 300 megawatts, according to the state-owned power company.

To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Latham in Durban, South Africa at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Gordon Bell at

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