Thanks to our event in Tubridge Wells which took place on the 12th of March, we have completed another project in the Kanjeleno Village, Mchinji District, Malawi.

The pump was completed at the end of April, 2011 and it will serve a community of over 100 people, with more than 50 children of which 8 are orphans. We would like to thank our partner on the ground for taking the time to do the reporting on this new project and for their support in our cause.

Most of all we would like to say thank you to all of Bob Hammond’s friends and his family who attended the event at The Beacon, in Tubridge Wells on the 12th of March to celebrate Bob’s birthday, his life and build a well in his name. We would like to say a special thank you to Linda Hammond and Mike Hammond who handled this event with so much care and dedication. We are extremely grateful to all of you for you generous contribution and for your belief in our cause, the ultimate goal of ending water poverty globally.

We wanted to share a testimony with you. ‘The provision of this pump will reduce the spread of water- borne diseases like cholera and dysentery in his area. The pump will also reduce accidents of people and animals falling in the unprotected well. He also envisages that school absenteeism among children will reduce due to increased health among children”. The testimony was made by 63 year old Bonzo Chiutsi. We look forward to seeing Bonzo when we go to Malawi for our monitoring process to assess the impact the well has had on the village.

We will shortly be adding this project onto our page and the GPS coordinates of this well will be figuring on the website shortly. If you would like to see the location of the well before we add it onto our map, here are all the details: GPS, S(x) -13 53.367 GPS, E(y) 033 04.218.

Many thanks for your generous contribution once again and we look forward to seeing you at our next event


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