One of the essentials of democracy is to know who our Leaders are and those entrusted with public resources do with that Money. Owing it to personal loyalty and sheer corruption, most people are afraid of reporting High Level corruption. This website has been created to specifically address that gap that Malawians can find space and report corruption. Please write to to report Corrupt practices and expose the issues our local media cannot publish.

The site is managed by volunteers and tose willing to support it, please email your documents or stories to the Editor and we do not take any sides.

Stand by for the report on how close to K400 million has been spent at your National Assembly headed by the Speaker himself Right Honourable Henry Chimunthu Banda, Clerk of Parliament Maltida Katopola and Assistant Clerk of Parliament Edgar Kachere have abused the trust Malawians gave them.
Learn how CELCOM beat C Mobile in getting a licence despite having inside information from the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) given by its Directors.
What is the real story about G Mobile.
How did Joyce Banda spent the millions from ADMARC
Special Report on JOHN TEMBO’s billions stashed in Cape Town
Uladi Mussa’s text messages to DPP, MCP and PPM
Who is benefiting from licences issued to explore mining in Malawi
Chimwazulu Farm- From Kamuzu to Bingu, what is wrong with the mining firm.

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