This is a bit off topic from our regular scheduled posts, but here at Face of Malawi we try to keep you in touch with everything that is going on around the world. And today just happens to be one of those days that you thank the guys at twitter for ever inventing the damn thing. Ok why is this so? Well lets say you are in Malawi, a country somewhere south of Africa and you are a big basketball fan. From the days of Michael Jordan where after watching the R kelly video you actually believed Michael Jordan could fly. But let me not get off topic again; NBA Finals 2011 are here, not in Malawi but American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida and the games have actually gone all the way to NBA Finals game 6, which is being played as i write this article. The question is who is going to win and who is going to lose. For Miami, we have King Lebron James, who had a terrible game in game 5, but how can we forget the King, even thought I find it disturbing to call someone the King of basketball, even though he has not even won a championship ring yet. He is not Kobe and He is not Shaq, but he is the self-made ‘King’. The other side of the court we have Dirk Nowitzki, i cant say too much about Dirk because obviously I am not a fan, and i am not going to spread this article all over just to get some hits, my whole thing is if Miami wins, it will be better for everyone :). Not to mention then we have to watch game 7, which will actually attract more viewers than NBA game 6, as it will be a tie now and after everyone will have something to prove then. If Dallas wins in game 7, I will be ok with their win then.

Back to watching the game on twitter. Keep Tweeting people, its the only way us Malawians can watch the game too. For free :)

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