Mzuzu University Students have agreed in principle to withdraw a court injunction they got against the institution if all students report for classes on July 25th this year, Nyasa Times has learnt.

“We will however seek advice from our lawyer before we vacate the injunction,” Mzuzu University Student Representative Council president Charles Kajoloweka said.

“But we are now delighted that a deal has been struck. We now know when they will be reporting back to the university after rotting at home for some time. However, we will wait for official communication from the university,” he added.

The students had a meeting with University Council on June 24 from after that they had a closed door meeting with the Council’s Chairman Prof. Brown Chimphamba from 8:15 to around 10:00 pm.

Kajoloweka: We will withdraw the injunction

A fortnight ago the Mzuzu High Court stopped Mzuni from opening in phases following an ex-parte injunction obtained by the Mzuzu Students Union led by Kajoloweka and 604 others.

The students through Mzuzu based Lawyer George Kadzipatike of Jivason and Company argued that the decision to open in phases was discriminatory, unfair and procedurally improper… to their right to education and legitimate expectations.

The students also said the decision to implement the phase programmes was made without consulting them.

Hearing of the cases was supposed to resume this week but last Friday the students agreed to dialogue with Mzuni Council to resolve the impasse.

On the students demand to have the top three Mzuni Principal officers relieved of their duties, the Council promised to look at the concerns raised by students, but said it needed more time to look at the issues, as the 14 days ultimatum given by the students was not enough.

The student body agreed to council’s advice however requested the university regulatory authority to expedite its resolution over the matter.—(Reporting by Collins Mtika, Nyasa Times)

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