Why not take part in this year’s ‘Malawi Book Drive’ by dropping any unwanted books into community centres to be sent to the impoverished African country?
You can take books to Bury Park Community Centre, Park Town Community Centre, Saints Community Centre, Chaul End Centre, Farley Community Centre, Bushmead Community Centre and Hockwell Community Centre until 29 July.

All books, fiction or non-fiction, are welcome so long as they are in reasonably good condition.

Cllr Joan Bailey, Portfolio Holder with responsibility for social justice, said: “Malawi is the fourth poorest nation in the world and so its people have very limited resources available to them.

“In some parts of the country illiteracy rates are as high as 70 per cent. By donating what we can, we can help to improve that statistic and the quality of life for Malawian people.

“Over 40,000 books were donated last year, so it would be brilliant to beat that figure in 2011. I’d strongly encourage everyone to donate what they can.”

The drive is being run in partnership with Unleashing Potential, a grassroots social enterprise which aims to get the best from communities.

If you would like to donate a book and want to find the address of your local community centre, visit www.luton.gov.uk/communitycentres.

Source : Luton