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Ronald Maloya, one of the Blantyre organizers has just brought me a copy of the letter from Blantyre City Assembly which has authorized the demos in Blantyre! Its signed by the CEO, Ted Nandolo himself.

I also have it on good authority that Mutharika has issued a decree stopping the pro-DPP marches, we thus have a clear path, people…we starting at Blantyre DC’s Office but if you arrive at Clock Tower, you will be directed.

At Poly preps are advanced, I passed two red fliers under each room and students are upbeat…

The demos have been given a nod on several conditions:

? That two names be put as sureties

? That the demo organizers address the masses before setting off

? That police inspect the contents of the placards

? That marshals be chosen to work with police on security

? No weapons

Demos will start from Old Police Ground (near Old Town Hall) to Civic Offices via Victoria Avenue, Mahatma Gandhi Road and Kenyatta Drive…the DC will receive the petition at Civic Offices…we will then go via Soche to Upper Stadium where speeches and dispersing will follow.

They say we cannot go to Sanjika because it violates Section 103 of the Police Act

Tell one and all that all the rumors of war and strife and clashes are a fluke and a hoax…the police commissioner himself has been assuring the organizers that all is going to be well; after all they have gotten the letter from the City assembly that we are marching tomorrow.

Remember there will be nurses, doctors and lawyers standing by…come out Blantyre, let’s shame the devil.


Source : http://mutafire.blogspot.com/2011/07/blantyre-good-to-go-we-got-us-clearance.html

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