The gangs in question

First line of a Reuters story on the situation ahead of mass protests in Malawi:

Gangs of machete-wielding pro-government youths took to the streets of Malawi’s commercial capital on Tuesday, a day ahead of planned protests against President Bingu wa Mutharika, who is accused of autocracy and mishandling the economy.

I’m not necessarily a fan of the current Malawian government’s policies but that seems a little alarmist, even sensationalist to me. Words have power. And Malawi has an existance (and problems) beyond the “diplomatic row” with the UK.

And on the demonstrations could we wait a little and see if there is really anything there? Maybe? Just for a day? Is there no way a protest in an African country could conceivably happen without bloodshed and revolution, at least until it has actually happened?

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