AT 10:13AM


Blantyre is still reported peaceful. Joyce Banda, Chilumpha MP and Polytechnic students are reported to have joined the demonstrations.


Lilongwe is on fire with tear gas everywhere.  The shop belonging to an MP from the DPP is reported to have been covered the police.


Mzuzu is on fire with the DPP office ransacked and car burned. A Malawi bus company destined for Karonga.  has been stoned and is back to its station at Mzuzu. The Police have disappeared.


The president has now arrived at the venue and function has started with introductions. Strangely, the lecture is attempting to revisit history by making reference to speeches made by the founding president Kamuzu Banda. From the little presented at the lecture, it is a complete waste time. It is talking of the past without making reference to the current problems of fuel, forex and poor governance. It is a dreamer’s lecture. It continues to maintain that the DPP government has more than delivered. Now the radio is focusing on the speech by Bingu.


There is tight police security in Salima








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