The Hunger project has with drawn the Africa prize for leadership for the sustainable end of hunger award from president Bingu WA Mutharika.
This follows the July 20 events in which at least 19 people were killed and scores of others injured.
The project has announced on its website the withdraw of the $100 000 (about k16.8million) award the prize was expected to be given to Mutharika on 22 October 2011 in New York alongside Liberia’s minister for Agriculture Dr Florence Chenoweth.
Minister of information and civic education Symon Vuwa Kaunda argued that it is unfortunate that some unpatriotic Malawians were campaigning to have the award with drawn.
Mutharika was nominated for the award IN recognition of his initiatives towards sustainable food security in Africa and the empowerment of those most vulnerable on the convention.
In Malawi the president is accredited for the achievements in food security through his acclaimed farm input subsidy progamme.
The project further said it would be impossible to identify any world leader who is not subject to criticism for the award or any emerging country.

General unprecedented events of July 20-21, as well as subsequent reports of mass arrests and official censorship of news organizations and social media, led to the conclusion that an award would not be appropriate in the midst of government crisis and uncertainty says the statement.
The Malawi Diaspora Forum (MDF) also came up with a petition asking the hunger project to revoke Mutharika’s nomination on the basis that while maize production under his reign might have improved food security, general poverty levels worsened during the same period.
MDF coordinator Thom Chiumia yesterday said the forum is delighted that their prayer has been answered.
Civic society Agriculture Network (CISANET) national coordinator Toman Nkhono –Mvula said it is sad that the award has been withdrawn since the president would have received it on behalf of Malawians.
‘However the hunger project may be protecting their name and reputation for not associating with some body that is believed to have violated people’s rights’ said Khono Mvula.

By :Joshua Morishu (FaceofMalawi)

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