Downtown Mzimba, Pic Cortesy of

‘headquarters’ for Sinkhani activities in Malawi is in the little town of Mzimba.  Ireen, the Sinkhani supervisor, lives in Mzimba and recently sent us this report.

The Sinkhani have been working with four very poor families who live in little houses made of mud bricks with thatched grass roofs.  Two of the families have both parents living but in one case both parents are HIV positive. Another family has a mother trying to raise her children alone, another has very old grandparents raising their grandchildren.  Altogether these families have 20 people (7 adults and 13 children ages 3 to 14).

The Sinkhani, along with the government health workers, have worked individually with the four families.  The Sinkhani were especially helpful in convincing the caregivers to go to the hospital with three of the children since “they were in danger.”  A fourteen-year-old boy, Patric, had a continuous cough and two of the children, Emmie and Jamira, had kwashiorkor (severe malnutrition).  One child, Mphatso, had a sore the Sinkhani were able to heal.  All of the seriously ill children are now out of the hospital and doing well since the Sinkhani have been able to teach the families better health practices.  The Sinkhani report the families “are very thankful to the teachings we [Sinkhani] have received and now we are helping many in our communities.  Very, very, very helpful HealthEd Connect!”

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