Seriously the Blantyre Vendors are being ridiculous by suggesting that the state President got them drunk when he hosted them at Sanjika Palace last weekend, and they failed to open their businesses the following day due to hangovers.

The vendors are grown men and every man is responsible for their own drinking habits. The President did not put a gun to anyone’s head and force them to guzzle down  alcohol as if it had just been announced that Carlsberg Malawi Limited will cease to brew and distil alcohol at exactly 12 midnight that day.


If they are responsible and serious then they would have realized that excess consumption of alcohol would result in them having hangovers in the morning, making it almost impossible to get out of bed, and so if they really cared about their businesses they would have consumed a good amount of alcohol in order to wake up fresh in the morning and be fit to go and run their businesses.


It is obvious this is just a case of the Malawian culture of being greedy for free liquor and drinking as much as you can, because as they say “izi ndi zosowa”(such occasions are rare).

The President took a lot of criticism for hosting the vendors, many of whom probably sampled dishes and beverages, which without HE’s intervention, would never have come across, so instead of throwing more wood into the fire that is already burning under his feet, they should just say ‘thank you,’ and shut up and not give more ammunition to his loony critics.


Finally my friend Mr. President, next time you decide to invite ordinary citizens to wine and dine with you, make sure they are of good character and responsible drinkers, who do not get carried away with free booze.

By D.K

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