It is sad government has already started rigging the election by using public resources funded by tax payers in the country to campaign for DPP victory in the forthcoming by-election in Rumphi district. This amounts to corruption. The Daily Nation of 17th August reported that Minister of Education Hon Peter Mutharika went all the way to Rumphi to preside over a ground breaking ceremony for a teachers training college in the district. Without being ashamed, he diverted to conduct partisan campaign for a DPP candidate in the Central Constituency. That was unethical. The money the minister used to travel from Lilongwe to Rumphi was taxpayer’s money drawn from the zero-budget which is being contributed by all Malawians. Instead of going there at a different time using DPP funds, the Minister took advantage of a public funded trip. Would opposition parties with candidates in the same constituency have the same privilege to use tax money on the sidelines of a public function? No. Then how could a law professor not see that he was getting involved in corruption? Not long ago the same Minister was involved in corruption of Malawi Housing Houses. How does his head think? Where is the Electoral Commission to stop this? Where is the ACB to stop this corruption? It is now obvious that corruption is permitted in electoral elections. Could Civil Society leaders include this on the agenda to ask the DPP government stop this primitive practice? Now it is up to the different opposition political parties to agree and support one creditable opposition candidate just to prove to Peter Mutharika and his brother president that they cannot hoodwink citizens in Rumphi Central Constituency any longer. Their name is damaged goods in Malawi. The concern is over the creditability of Peter Mutharika as a human being because he has no capacity to stop corruption in Malawi. He is doing the same things his brother has been doing-abusing state resources? What will happen when he becomes president? This confirms the fears that he has no capacity for judgment. He is not suitable for the presidency. Malawians let us stop corruption.
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