The Tobacco Control Commission (TCC ) says it is in the final stages of drawing a five year strategic plan to insulate the country’s main export from challenges it is facing on the market.
Disclosing this in an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) in Lilongwe last week TCC chief executive officer Dr Bruce Munthali said the plan will cover all aspects of the industry, from production to the market.
He said a comprehensive review of the industry is important to add value and maximize benefits to the farmers and the country at large.
Munthali said, TCC is currently carrying out assessment, the third of its kind this season, which releases shortly to all its stake holders to give a true picture of the current market status.
He also disclosed that the rejection rate at the tobacco auction floors has currently improved. Munthali said TCC is considering concluding all sales within the next two and half months.
He further said the idea is to identify new areas to resuscitate the industry and are also looking at insulating the market against various negative forces and are planning to have it ready within four months.

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