Mufti Menk, Sh. Khalid Yassin to Grace 2011 Ijtmah

Mufti Menk-To grace the occassion

Photo: By FOSIS-Federation of Student Islamic Societies UK

As the days draw closer towards this year’s Ijtmah, the organising committee says it has courted South African based Mufti Ishmael Musa Menk and USA based Sheikh Khalid Yasin to grace the annual event.

Previously the event has been seeing Tanzanian sheikhs delivering their sermons, a thing, which the organising committee says it is time to have a variety.

‘’As the committee we have thought that this year’s event should be very different to the previous one by atleast bringing some prominent sheikhs from elsewhere.’’

Asked whether the two have already confirmed their availability at the function, Vice Chairman of the organising committee Issah Kazembe said ‘’we have sent them our request and we are now waiting for their responses.’’

The event is slated on October 28 and end on October 30.

Mufti Menk is expected to visit Malawi, as Radio Islam will be commemorating its ten years of existence on October 22 2011. And reports suggest that the committee has taken advantage of this to coax Mufti Menk.

Meanwhile it has been confirmed that Malawi’s grand mufti Abbas Qassim will be the guest of honour.

This contradicts to earlier reports that indicated the country’s president Bingu wa Mutharika would be the guest of honour.

Ijtmah is annual Islamic gathering that pools together Muslims from all corners of Malawi and across the borders aimed at spiritual upliftments and fostering development among the Muslim society.

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