We currently support scholars studying for a Masters in Education Leadership, Policy and Planning at Chancellor College, Zomba. Only students accepted onto the course at the university will be invited to apply.

Only invited scholars may apply.
What we offer
In 2012 we will offer a maximum of 2 scholarships. Each scholarship covers tuition fees only.
Are you eligible?
To apply for a scholarship you must
accepted to study of a MA in Education Leadership, Policy and Planning at Chancellor College
be a national of and resident in Malawi

James Learmonth Scholarship Programme for the Masters in Educational Leadership, Policy and Planning at Chancellor College, Malawi Application Guidelines

General Information
Canon Collins Trust administers the James Learmonth scholarship programme. We will offer support to two scholars studying for a Masters in Education Leadership, Policy and Planning at Chancellor College, Zomba.  This is a partial scholarship covering tuition fees.  Scholars will need to cover living costs and other costs themselves.

James Learmonth was an influential educational practitioner in the UK who believed strongly that education was the key to greater inclusion, social stability and international co-operation. He also believed that teachers and educational leaders can only be effective if they continue learning. When James died of cancer in 2003, his wife, family and numerous colleagues and friends decided to establish the James Learmonth Scholarship Programme in his memory. The aim of this programme is to support teachers and educational leaders in Malawi to pursue studies in education.

Are you eligible?

Applicants must be
•    accepted to study of a MA in Education Leadership, Policy and Planning at Chancellor College
•    a national of and resident in Malawi
Application Process:

The application form is of primary importance as assessment is made on the basis of this. The form can be completed on a computer (preferable), typed, or hand written. It MUST be neat and easy to read. The following supporting documents must be included, and must be sent with the application form in one envelope:
•    Certified copy of undergraduate degree certificate
•    Certified academic transcripts (from university only)
•    Reference letters from two referees
•    A copy of your two most recent payslips, if applicable
•    A thesis proposal for your PhD, if applicable

We will not assess applications that have documents missing. Please do not submit your application until you have all the necessary information.

Please post (do not fax or email) completed application forms and supporting documents to:

Canon Collins Trust
22, The Ivories
Northampton Street
N1 2HY
United Kingdom

Or email completed application forms and supporting documents to chanco@canoncollins.org.uk by 23rd September 2011.  If you are sending applications by email, please make sure that all emails include a relevant subject heading, including your name.  Try to avoid sending multiple emails, and if you have to do so, make sure that each email contains a clear heading in order to help us process your application.


The deadline for applications is September 23rd 2011. Late applications will not be considered.

We will acknowledge receipt of your application once it has been processed – please be patient.

We will let you know the outcome of your application by the end of September 2011.

Please do not email us to ask about the outcome of your application, as we are unable to respond. All notifications will be by email so please make sure you provide an accurate email address.


Ideally, you should submit an academic reference and a reference from an employer.  If you are not currently employed, we will accept a reference from voluntary work, or two academic references.  If you have been out of education for five years or more we will accept two work references.

You should ask your referees to provide you with a reference that relates to your application for this scholarship.  It should outline your strengths as an applicant, demonstrate your capacity to study at the level required, and identify your potential impact in the future.

Selection Criteria

The Trust assesses applications on the basis of the information given in the application form. We apply the following criteria:

1. Academic Record and References
Applicants should have a minimum of a good second-class (2.1) undergraduate degree and excellent references

2. Relevance of Proposed Course of Study to the needs of Southern Africa
We fund applicants from a wide range of disciplines. We favour applications for courses or degrees that are relevant to the development needs of Southern Africa

3. Work Experience
We favour applications where there is a demonstrable continuity between applicant’s past study and career and their proposed course of study.

4. Commitment to Country/Community
We will favour applicants who most clearly show a desire to be part of and to contribute to the future prosperity of southern Africa.

5. Motivation for Study
We favour applicants who are able to articulate
•    Why their chosen institution fits with their ambitions
•    Why their chosen course fits with their ambitions
•    How, once qualified, they intend to ‘make a difference’.

6. Application form
The application form matters. Applicants should
•    Demonstrate a good command of English
•    Answer all of the questions properly and completely
•    Complete the application and deliver all supporting documents in a timely manner
7. Overall Impression
We are aware that all of these are judgement calls. We give some weight to the assessor’s general impression of the candidate and application.

Completion of form

Given that Canon Collins Trust receives hundreds of applications it is important that you take care in completing your form.  You should:
•    Demonstrate a high standard of English with no spelling and language errors
•    Answer all of the questions fully and with attention to detail
•    Provide all the necessary documentation and supporting documents.
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