The ruling Patriotic Front will send a high powered delegation to the Zimbabwe’s Zanu-PF National People’s Conference set for Bulawayo next month.

However, the delegation will be the party secretary and two other senior members and not Michael Sata.

The Zanu-PF had invited President Michael Sata to grace the occasion.

Presidential spokesperson George Chella told Bulawayo 24 that the party would be represented at the highest level by the secretary general, Wynter Kalimba who would be accompanied by two senior members of the central committee.

Mr. Sata is yet to travel outside Zambia from the time he was elected president.

He has so far skipped three international engagements.

The first one was the COMESA summit in Malawi which he avoided on the pretext that he was barred form entering Malawi.

The second international meeting was the Commonwealth summit in Australia. He sent vice president Guy Scott but did not explain why he could not travel.

Last week, he missed the Southern Africa Development Community Summit in Angola.

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