Life changing football tours for individuals or groups to Malawi, playing real African teams whilst discovering a beautiful country and traditional African culture.

“Unlike other commercially based tours any profits made from this tour go directly to fund the restablishment of the National Primary school football and netball competition in which over 100,000 Malawian social awareness messages to some of the world’s most impoverished children”.

Following the success of the inaugural African Football Tour to Malawi in September 2011, we are delighted to announce 3 tours for 2012. Two men’s tours (June 3rd to 14th and early October) and the first ever amateur women’s football tour to Africa, August 19th to 30th. Malawi is a country which is hard not to fall instantly in love with. These unique and life changing tours are for footballers with a sense of adventure who want to meet new people and experience a beautiful culture.

Players can attend a tour individually or in groups. Tours are not for profit: all money made goes towards the re-establishment of the national football and netball competition in primary schools acrossMalawi, in which over 80,000 children participate. The competition also provides a crucial structure to provide HIV/Aids, health, education and social awareness messages to children.”

Players will tour an amazing, beautiful and inspiring country in the heart of Africa and play in a series of matches that they will never forget: two in Malawi’s capital city, Lilongwe (one on a Superleague ground) and two way off the beaten track against village sides close to the lake. The village teams play on dirt pitches, with wooden goal posts and are well supported – Malawians are quick and very fit so tour players have been warned!

The itinerary also includes a morning coaching and playing football with primary school children of Malawi – an experience that will stay with tour players forever. The 2012 tours also include a full day’s Safari.

Malawians are the most warm-hearted (and amongst the poorest) people in Africa– these tours are an amazing cultural experience and believe us, an absolutely cracking holiday.

All tours will also have dinner with guest speaker Young Chimodzi, current Assistant Manager of theMalawinational team and one the country’s most capped players with over 150 appearances for Malawi.

The tour is being endorsed by Byron Anthony of Bristol Rovers and other pros are expected to come on board shortly.

The all inclusive ten day tour costs £750 per player and they can bring their partner for £600. Players need to arrange their own flights (£600). The tour has an all in cost or around £1500.

For full info please visit the web-site and view the video on the homepage for highlights of the 2011 tour.


George Maguire – Founder

Mobile – 07956 415295 /  Email –

Niamh Donohoe – Women’s Tour Manager

Mobile  – 07834 706560 / Email –

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