Dear Editor,
“Thank you for keeping us in the loop about the happenings in our nation and the world at large.
I’m a follower of Senior Prophet TB Joshua of The SCOAN and I would like to clarify the details about the prophecy Prophet TB Joshua gave on Sunday 02/05 during the Sunday 1st Live Service.
The prophecy regarding the sickness of an African head of state. Well, I must say that I did watch the service and I did get the prophecy.
I would like to state that you misquoted the man of God in yesterday’s article as the Prophet didn’t specify when an African head of state would get sick and die.

I did capture the live service on my camera and below is the thread of the 2 prophecies regarding a “Breaking News: Ferry Capsize” and “The African head of state being sick” (The prophecies were given just the way I’ve outlined them).

Prophet TB Joshua:
“Wave your hand, wave your hand;
I’ve seen a very big, will I call it a ferry that carries people. It’s a ferry, it’s not even a ship, it’s a ferry and the Breaking News says a 1000 people died, the boat capsized. I think they should be very careful, this is an African nation. They should be very careful and I think I’m going to ask God to show me the direction, the route where this ferry is going so maybe in the 2nd Service.

I was talking about April, we should pray for the nation, this country….April.
What I’m seeing in the boat. I can’t stand here and begin to tell you this….April, this is what is going to happen but I’m praying. When it’s too close and there’s nothing I can do about it I will say it but I believe God……..I’m still talking to Father but if I realize that there is nothing I can do about it and it is too close, I’ll talk; whatever name you’ll call me. I’ll talk April, this is April 16…..

God loves us, you should pray for one African head of state, when I say
President…. again the sickness that is likely to take life; sadden death, it could be sickness being in the body for a long time but God showed me the country and the place but I’m not here to say anything like that.
When it’s too close and there is nothing I can do about it, I’ll mention it clear; the place, the country and the person so that they can see what they can do to rescue him. Okay, it is very close. Jesus loves us.
Wave your hand, wave your hand.”

I hope to see an article on your website clarifying your misrepresentation…because if nothing happens on that date you gave on your website then your readers are gonna doubt the authenticity of my father in the Lord Prophet TB Joshua.”

Erasmus Mweene

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