A self-proclaimed prophet Kangawa Sunny Msiska has been arrested by Malawi Police after he predicted that President Bingu wa Mutharika will die before his term of office expires in 2014.

Msiska, who leads Gethsemane Church in Ndirande township, Blantyre, is alleged to have been foretelling that Mutharika will not pass the year 2013 before something happens to him.

President Mutharika: His term expires 2014. Police arrested him on Friday.

Southern region police spokesman Dave Chingwalu confirmed the arrest of prophet Msiska.

But police charged him on another offence that he allegedly send text messages to Peter Mutharika, the President’s brother, asking for money and that he send bank details.

He denied the charge and contends its ‘trumped up’.

The cleric has also been sending SMS to people, sensitising them of his ‘vision’ that the President will die. He predicts that Vice President Joyce Banda will ascend to power as Head of State.

“Bingu is not going to finish his term of office. He will die,” reads one of the message purported to have come from the prophet.

One of his relations, speaking on condition of anonymity, condemned the prophet saying “it is not Malawian to wish someone dead.”

According to relations, the prophet is a son of late Stennings Msiska, a freedom fighter who stayed in exile in Zambia during the era of dictator Kamuzu Banda and returned to Malawi when Bakili Muluzi defeated Kamuzu in 1994’s first multiparty elections. They returned to Malawi in 1996.

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