What are the facts?

Joyce Banda is a big supporter of TB Joshua, and visited SCOAN in December 2011.

As Vice President of Malawi, Joyce Banda had a public falling out with President Mutharika resulting in her being expelled from their party. This meant that the only chance of her ever being president (a desire she had publicly expressed) would require President Bingu to die during his current term in office.

During July 2011 there were widespread protests in Malawi against President Mutharika’s government. Joyce Banda not only publicly endorsed the protests, she was accused by Mutharika as being the one inciting the unrest.

In October 2011 it was reported that President Mutharika’s government had plans to arrest Joyce Banda and charge her with treason. Apparently the governing party had been putting together documents showing there had been communication between the Vice President and others from the military and foreign nations (Nigeria?) strategising on how to wrestle power from Mutharika before his tenure of office ends in 2014

On the 5th February 2012 TB Joshua predicted the death of an unnamed African president in April of the same year. SCOAN quickly denied that he ever put a date on the death, then after the death fell in the correct time-frame released a video showing otherwise. Before this video was released, it looked like just another one of TB Joshua’s vague “one size fits all” prophecies (hence the “reality check” in our last post), however the release of this video put it in a whole different league. He had seemingly predicted the day of week and the month of this old president’s death.

On Thursday the 5th of April (the day of the week predicted by TB Joshua) President Mutharika suffered a cardiac arrest. Some say he died the same day, although most news reports say he died on Friday the 6th, however all sources agree the heart attack was on the Thursday.

On the 7th April Joyce Banda becomes the president of Malawi. The next day she fires the chief of police and chose a new one. The outgoing chief of police had been appointed by President Mutharika 2 years previously.
What does this all add up to?

At the very least, both TB Joshua and Joyce Banda have benefited from Mutharika’s demise. Banda achieved her ambition to become president (the only way possible), while TB Joshua has boosted his “Man of God” credentials by finally having a fairly impressive prophecy to his name.

Some commentators are going further by suggesting that Mutharika’s death was a plot. Zano PF minister Jonathan Moyo has suggested that President Mutharika was killed by his enemies and the TB Joshua prophecy was used to divert attention from them. Malawian political writer Cedrick Ngalande wonders if TB Joshua himself might have had a hand in the death. We’re not in a position to know if there is any truth to these outrageous suggestions. Without a doubt there are a lot of uncertainties, but what is certain is that the nature of TB Joshua and Joyce Banda’s relationship deserves close scrutiny and investigation.

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