Newly appointed Vice President of Malawi Khumbo Kachali has officially assumed office today after he was sworn in Lilongwe.

Khumbo Kachali has now been officially made Vice President of the Republic of Malawi. This follows a swearing in ceremony at Mtunthama State Lodge in Lilongwe. The ceremony which had most of political figures in attendance also saw young men and women clad in orange in joyous mood. In his acceptance speech Kachali said the appointment came to him as a surprise. ”I never expected to be appointed vice president and I have never dreamt of that.” Said Kachali. He said he appreciates the appointment saying it is an impartial and fair appointment. ”I am thankfull to the president for showing equity and impartiality in distributing power.” He said. Still there was drama at Mtunthama as Director of Intelligence Binton Kutsaira was removed from the VIP.

According to a statement from the Office of the President and Cabinet released on Wednesday and signed by Chief Secretary of Government Bright Msaka, Kachali was sworn in at 11:00 am at the mini-stadium of Mthunthama Residence.

“Pursuant to Section 81(1) of the constitution, Mr. Kachali shall take oath of office on Friday, April 13, 2012 at the mini-stadium of Mthunthama Residence in Area 3 at 11 am,” the statement reads.

Kachali, who is also Vice President of the Peoples Party (PP), was fired from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) alongside side the incumbent President Joyce Banda and he becomes the biggest appointment in President Banda’s clean-up campaign after the appointment of Moses Kunkuyu and Benson Tembo as Minister of Information and Civic Education and Director General of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation(MBC) respectively.

Before being fired from the DPP, Kachali, who has a Master of Science Degree in Strategic Management obtained from the University of Derby, served in various ministerial portfolios.

Between 2004 to 2006 he served as Minister of Industry, Science and Technology, he was Deputy Minister for Home Affairs and Internal Security from 2006 to 2009 before being appointment Minister of Youth Development and Sports in the years 2007-2008.

His last ministerial position was that of Transport and Infrastructure in August 2010, a portfolio he held after being Minister of Health from 2008-2009.

On Wednesday after being appointed Kachali called upon Malawians to rally behind Banda in her effort to revive the country from the economic and governance woes.

Kachali’s appointment means that his Mzimba South West constituency is up for grabs as it has fallen vacant.

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