A team of supporters behind a Shropshire-based charity are hoping to raise thousands of pounds by trekking up Snowdon later this year.
The Big Climb will raise funds for Shrewsbury charity Medic Malawi and has been organised by charity boss Stephen Drew and Market Drayton businessman Hamish Armytage who owns Mountain Philosophy.

The event will be held on September 1 and 2 and organisers hope it will attract up to 100 people.

Mr Drew, who took over the charity after retiring as principal at Wrekin College in Wellington, said the fundraising event was the biggest one since he took over the running of the charity last July but he had already been left overwhelmed by everybody’s enthusiasm.

The money raised will go towards the funding of the community and to help buy life saving drugs at St Andrew’s Hospital in the Mtunthama region of Malawi.

Mr Drew said: “We were approached by Hamish who wanted to organise and help co-ordinate a large charity walk to launch his new business Mountain Philosophy and after hearing about the work we do he very kindly chose Medic Malawi.

“We feel extremely fortunate to be in the hands of such an expert who will ensure the mountain leaders get the supporters, regardless of ability, to the top and back safely.

“In the initial planning stages we had just planned to hold it as a one-day event but already the interest has been so good we will be doing a walk on two consecutive days.

“This really should be a great event and give people the chance to complete a wonderful challenge while raising funds for such a worthwhile cause.”

Mr Armytage added: “I’m looking forward to taking the Medic Malawi supporters to the summit of Snowdon and of course helping to raise thousands of pounds for the charity.

Market Drayton-based company Mountain Philosophy who will be taking the fundraisers to the summit after teaming up with the Shrewsbury-based charity Medic Malawi.
“The work they do really does save lives so all of the mountain leaders at Mountain Philosophy are glad they can help make a difference.”

The registration fee for the trek is £25 payable to Mountain Philosophy and each walker is asked to raise a minimum sponsorship of £100.

Walkers will be meeting at the Ranger’s Path car park at 9am. Organisers may co-ordinate transport if enough fundraisers require it.

To request a registration pack e-mail Mr Drew at medicmalawi@gmail.com. To find out more about the work of the charity visit www.medicmalawi.org and follow it on Twitter @medicmalawi.

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