Pointing out what is dodgy about TB Joshua can be tiresome. There are only so many ways that you can say that the emperor has no clothes, that all that glitters is not gold, or that absolute power corrupts absolutely. But here we go again, one more time, to point out three very suspicious details about TB Joshua’s prophecy of Mutharika’s death.

His death was prophesised by TB Joshua

1) The letter from Bingu

‘Mutharika knew I was talking about him,’ proclaimed TB Joshua in a service in April. He held up a letter, showing the signature of the late Malawian president and an official letterhead. In the letter, TB Joshua boasted, Mutharika had acknowledged that he was the subject of the prophecy and his days were numbered.

However, Malawian officials say that this is completely untrue. Mutharika’s aide for religious matters, Billy Gama, as well as the typist who wrote the letter, confirmed that the letter sent from Mutharika to TB Joshua was simply a routine letter thanking him for a book that he sent as a gift. Furthermore, TB Joshua’s claims are certainly not consistent with Mutharika’s words before his death, when he dismissed the prophecy by saying that no-one but God knew the time he would die.

Of course, we couldn’t be sure either way since TB Joshua did not show us the whole letter. The reason? “The contents are personal,” he said. So hang on, he was happy to tell us all about the letter’s contents, which funnily enough were very favorable towards him and his prophetic gifts, but was too shy to show us the letter itself, which would (so he says) verify his story? There is something extremely fishy about that.

2) SCOAN’s denial, followed by a stunning U-turn

The prophecy video released after Mutharika’s death was very specific. The video claimed that:

-On Feb 5th, TB Joshua said the death would be in April.
-On March the 18th, he said it would be on a Thursday.
-On April 1st, he said it would outside of West Africa.

However, none of this information was publicized by SCOAN until it ‘came true’. On the contrary, before Bingu’s death, SCOAN attacked media outlets for ‘misrepresenting’ TB Joshua’s prophecy. How did the media misrepresent TB Joshua? By claiming that he had mentioned a specific time-frame for the prophecy!

This case was made on several blogs written by representatives of SCOAN. Watching TB Joshua were furious, demanding a formal apology from those who reported that TB Joshua had said the death would happen within two months. The TB Joshua Fans blog also insisted that ‘he DID NOT mention any specific date or time-frame”. SCOAN disciples wrote letters to newspapers arguing the same point.

Now the same SCOAN supporters boast of how specific the prophecy was. Why did SCOAN contradict themselves like this? Is it typical SCOAN policy to deny the details of a prophecy until (or unless) it coincides with the facts? Hmm.. Not a bad strategy. So how many other prophecies that didn’t come true have been neatly suppressed and/or forgotten? (actually, we know of a couple that we’re keeping track of now, watch this space)

3) The mysterious missing videos

TB Joshua’s prophecy video was so specific, and so slickly manufactured and edited, that it made us curious. What else did he say?

It was also interesting that all the parts where he mentioned the month of April, the camera was very tightly on TB Joshua. The audience in front of him is never visible. Was this part of the live service or was it recorded at another time? There was no way of knowing.

Of course, we could clear all of this up if we could see the raw footage of the service. But when we went to the archives of SCOAN full services on YouTube, we found that the videos of the services on both February 5th and March 18th (the two crucial services in which he is said to have specified a time-frame) were mysteriously missing from the archive. See for yourselves: TB Joshua Rebroadcast Archive

This may be an oversight. We’d be satisfied if SCOAN would upload these missing services so we could see for ourselves. But until that happens, suspicion will remain that SCOAN has something to hide.

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