In the past 19 days since Bingu wa Mutharika died of a cardiac arrest, one piece of news I was waiting to hear was that some ministers have resigned from government.

I have been disappointed to say the least. No even one minister from Bingu’s government has resigned as a matter of principle or show of remorse or for something else, or for what they did to Malawi and Malawians when Bingu was alive and when he died.

Patricia Kaliati - Waited to be 'sacked'

Without going into detail of the plunder and mismanagement they did during Bingu’s time, these are the ministers who soon after Bingu died, they told the nation he was in a stable condition and for two days they plotted to usurp the office of the president from Joyce Banda.

Some cabinet ministers including Goodall Gondwe, Jean Kalilani, Vuwa Kaunda, Nicholas Dausi, Patricia Kaliati, Kondwani Nankhumwa and Kanyumba attended late night meetings to strategise on how to bar the then vice president Joyce Banda from ascending to the presidency in an attempted coup d’état.

After the plot failed and Joyce Banda was confirmed as president, these ministers should have resigned in shame. But they didn’t, not one of them.

And now they are waiting to be fired.

Greed, lack of principles, lack of conscience

We now hear DPP cabinet ministers, MPs and others have been flocking to Joyce Banda’s residence to declare support to her.

They have been asking for forgiveness but as some one said in the Nation:

For the good of the progress in the country, these politicians, particularly those so eager to jump ship at every opportune time, must be allowed to appreciate how it feels to watch events from the stands.

They need to be proven if they indeed have the best interests of Malawians at heart before they are trusted with public offices, especially Cabinet posts. They need to show that their change of heart is not for their own benefit and that is not a one-day process.

Otherwise, this political prostitution has to end. We will not buy it this time around. We tolerated it in the past and we are witnesses of how we have suffered because of the same. We can’t go through the same over and over again. The greedy ones must be forgiven but must not be allowed to fool us again. They must just watch proceedings.

George Kasakula from the Nation also puts it this way:

These DPP ministers are wolves in sheep’s skin who celebrated and clapped hands when Malawians were languishing in the hell that the late Mutharika created out of Malawi.

The Cabinet ministers snored on duty and clapped hands when almost everybody said the zero-deficit budget, for example, was hopelessly faulty especially when all the financial blue print brought were a windfall of both personal and corporate taxes on the heads of Malawians.

They did not give a damn when people were losing jobs as a result of a shrinking industry due to the heavy taxes and shortages of forex and fuel. In fact, some ministries such as Labour were concocting press releases, lying to Malawians through false figures of job losses just to paint a bright picture and look good and smell like a rose to the late President.

To cut a long tale short, the DPP ministers were not for the people of Malawi but were bent on serving a political master who was completely off rails to fill up their bellies while the rest of us were languishing with hopelessness.

These ministers who were serving the DPP regime like a bad bout of plague. They were bad news for Malawi.

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