The Indigenous Business Association of Malawi IBAM says business people expect an end to an era of foreigners monopolizing small scale businesses.

President of the grouping Mr. Mike Mlombwa told Zodiak Online that most foreigners have been conducting businesses that are supposed to be done by Malawians.

Malawian woman

The foreigners have even engaged in operating hawkers.This according to president of the indigenous Businessmen Association of Malawi Mr. Mike Mlombwa is a reason for concern.

“You see, foreigners are supposed to bring big investments, but look what our Chinese brothers are doing, they are involved in businesses like restaurants, bars, hawkers. It is very unfortunate.” Said a visibly worried Mlombwa.

The call comes in the wake of a new administration that was ushered in power after the death of president Bingu wa Mutharika on April 5 this year.

Early this month vendors in Karonga promised to kick out all Chinese businessmen.

The business people complained that the Chinese were trading in what indigenous Malawians were supposed to trade in.

The story is the same in most locations where Burundians have now adopted Malawian names and are making and selling doughnuts.

He says IBAM is ready to work with the current regime and support it fully.

“We have been saying this now and again, we as business people support government of the day.” Emphasized IBAM president.

He added with a plea:”the new administration should prioritize indigenous Malawians when awarding business contracts.”

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