Arrests are on the way for police officers who have been implicated in the killing and assault of citizens during the July 20, 2011 demonstrations.

Malawi police chase anti-government protesters in Lilongwe on July 20, 2011

Minister of Justice who also doubles as Attorney General Ralph Kasambara told The Daily Times on Tuesday that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has already received the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) fact finding report on the July 20 protests.

“The matter has been referred to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, they will study it and action will be taken in due course,” Kasambara said.

In its final report on the demonstrations, MHRC names six police officers as having been identified as the ones who either assaulted or shot dead some people.

Twenty people died during the demonstrations as Malawians protested the economic hardships and bad laws under the administration of former president Bingu wa Mutharika.

Inside sources within government claimed arrest warrants have been issued already.

However, police spokesperson Davie Chingwalu said he was not aware of the development.

Chingwalu also declined to comment on the report as it was addressed to the president, he said.

According to the MHRC report, the police officers who testified confessed they did not have orders to shoot at protestors although they were supplied with live ammunition.

“MHRC received information regarding the Police officers who were identified by the general public to have either assaulted or shot dead some of the above victims. The existence in Lilongwe of the following officers was verified and confirmed,” reads part of the report as it named the suspected officers.

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