Malawi’s Trade Minister John Bande on Wednesday led a team from his ministry and the country’s bureau of standards to impound manipulated weighing scales from illegal traders in Dedza.

Apart from using such scales to rip off farmers, most traders in Malawi also offer very low prices so that the traders – as middle men – should make huge profits.

For example, at Chimbiya market in Dedza the Minister and his team impounded some manipulated scales but was also impressed with the price some traders offered to the small scale farmers.

“We will continue doing this because as a ministry we want to protect our farmers from these unscrupulous traders,” said the Minister.

He disclosed that the initiative will be nation wide so that traders should not rip off the farmers now that markets for crop produce have opened in the southern african country.

The Minister also disclosed that parliament will soon discuss the Business Licensing Bill which he said has been designed to regulate foreign investment.

“The bill clearly states what kind of businesses foreign investors should be involved in. We will not allow people to come all the way from China and open small shops in rural areas,” said Bande.

Malawi is one African country flooded with the chinese engaging in small scale businesses sparking resentment from locals in the process.

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