Top police officer’s , whom Justice Minister Ralph Kasambara and others sued for contempt of court, risk a 30 day jail term for not turning up for proceedings in court.

The police officers are Head of Criminal Investigations Lexa Chalerae Southern Region Police Commissioner Rodney Jose, Head of Criminal Investigations FB Mkuka and Urban Criminal Investigations Officer Caloyn Jere.

Kasambara has indicated in the media he will drop the case, but his fellow complainants want to advance the action, their lawyer said yesterday.

Though proceedings were scheduled for yesterday at 2 pm, the cops neither showed up nor filed any affidavit in opposition to the lawsuit.

Thirty minutes the scheduled time, the complainants’ lawyer Lusungu Gondwe was convinced that the other party would not show up, hence he asked for an audience with presiding Judge Ken Manda.

Speaking after meeting Manda, Gondwe said the judge had granted an order forcing the officers to appear in court or face imprisonment.

“The judge has issued summons for them to show cause why they haven’t attended court proceedings.

“If they don’t attend the next proceeding on the rescheduled date, a warrant of arrest will be issued for them to be committed to prison for 30 days,” Gondwe said.

Asked on media reports that the case was allegedly Kasambara had indeed opted to drop the case.

He, however, said since Kasambara was just one of the complainants; the remaining ones wanted to continue with the proceedings to ensure that court rulings are obeyed.

The other complainants are Brian Magoya, Arthur Chikankheni, Ali Kaka, Mayamiko Kango and Patrick Gadama.

The police top brass are accused of defying court orders during the arrest of the six on kidnapping and wounding charges.

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