Cases of school dropout among adolescent girls in primary schools within the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda in Nkhotakota is said to be on the increase especially due to early marriages.

Zone Primary Education Advisor (PEA) Mr. Patrick Msoliza told the media that enrollment for girls during standard one to standard four is normally high but that a big drop is seen between standard five up to standard eight.

For example he said from September 2011 to March 2012 16 girls have dropped out of school in the area due to early pregnancies.

“This year for example, standard eight class at Khwapu Primary School started with 27 girls but only four are sitting for the final primary school examinations,” said Msoliza.

He said currently authorities are proposing to convene a meeting with the school committee and the parent’s teacher association (PTA) to map the way forward on the matter.

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