The theatrical expertise of actor Thlupego Chisiza sees no boundaries. He recently pulled a fast one on the owner of Zingwangwa’s popular pub, The New Mashesha’s, when he bolted without settling his beer bill.

Annie Mahomed, who runs New Mashesha’s Pub, confirmed in an interview with The Weekend Times Thursday, saying Chisiza failed to settle a bill of K3,090.

She also disclosed that Chisiza had another outstanding bill of beer for K5,000 and now he owes her K8,090.

“He came like an innocent cus¬tomer that day when he ordered beer but he just disappeared. Since then he has never come to my pub. Worse still, he has several mobile numbers but none of the numbers function. But what Iwant is my money. Iwill do anything to ensure that Iget back my money because my business runs on small capital,” said Mahomed.

Mahomed said she waited in vain for the actor to appear at her busi¬ness place in order to pay the bill.

“He knows that Iam a single mother who relies on the pub to look after my big family. Yet he has decided to punish me this way. Ihave waited for him hoping he would come but to no avail,” be¬moaned Mahomed. Mahomed also confirmed that Chisiza left behind some documents at the time he vanished from the pub.

“I can confirm that the documents belonged to Nanzikambe Arts be¬cause when Ichecked the contents of the envelope he had left behind, Ifound several documents like bank statements bearing the name of Nanzikambe Arts. Ithen decided to surrender them to the arts body, hoping Iwould get my money back.

“But Ishould make it very clear here that Ihave no grudges against Nanzikambe Arts because Ionly go there to enquire about the whereabouts of Chisiza whom they said does not work with them on a permanent basis,” she said.

An officer at Nanzikambe Arts who spoke on condition of anonym¬ity confirmed they received their documents like UK visa application forms and bank statements, among other things.

“We also learnt through the owner of New Mashesha’s Pub when she brought the documents that Chisiza had defaulted his bill,” said the source.

Efforts to talk to Chisiza proved futile as his several mobile phone numbers could not be reached.

The officer at Nanzikambe con¬firmed that Chisiza has about 10 numbers while The Weekend Times has about five mobile numbers of the actor but none of them was working.

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