A critically ill patient at Neno district hospital in Malawi died on Wednesday after being left unattended by striking medical staff at the health facility. Acting District Health officer Dr. Fredrick Chihaye confirmed the death.

As of Wednesday, the strike had entered day three while nurses and doctors refused to treat patients.

Among other reasons, medical officers want more pay after Non-Governmental Organisation Partners in Health announced the withdrawal of a project which subsidized medical staff salaries.

The organization which has been providing the resources for the past three years stopped giving the workers the salaries in June citing lack of funding.

“The patient was referred to the male ward after hospital officials established that he was chronically ill. He was meant to be on the life supporting machine but no medical personnel was around to assist him due to the ongoing strike,” said Dr Chihaye.

He said the hospital is currently investigating the matter.

Authorities are at the moment discussing with the striking staff to return to work.

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