Malawi government said Thursday there will be no investigations on allegations that two of the Zomba Maximum Security Prison pardoned inmates were not supposed to be paroled after all.

The pardoning of the two prisoners – a murderer and a rapist – sparked massive protests at the prison that led to deaths and injuries.

The protesting inmates alleged that the two had their freedom early because of political affiliations – especially the one convicted of rape and defiled who said to be a relation to a top government official.

Announcing the pardons, President Joyce Banda said he had opposed to eleven names from the earlier list she received before she paroled 377 inmates because they were convicted of defilement.

Asked if there will be investigations on how the two found their way out, Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security Uladi Mussa said nothing will be done.

“The list of the pardoned prisoners was carefully scrutinized by a committee tasked to carry out the job,” said Mr. Mussa.

The Minister also denied reports that about seven prisoners were shot dead during the protests, saying only one person died.

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