An accomplice to Sudi Adaki Sulaimana in a case they are accused of fraudulently soliciting K39.5 million from the Electoral Commission has gone missing after jumping bail.

Court records show that Mc Donald Chapotera Daudi, who is among five other suspects in the case, jumped bail on January 7, 2011 and since then is no where to be seen.

Meanwhile police fingers are pointing out at court officials on the missing of the suspect.

Southern Region Police spokesperson Nicholas Gondwa told the media on Monday that police are not aware that Daudi absconded court bail in January 2011 and that no warrant was given for his re-arrest.

But State Advocate Mr. Jailosi Chafunsa claimed they referred the matter to police after Mr. Daudi absconded court bail in January 2011 for his re-arrest.

This means that as it stands Mr. Daudi will be at large as the case resumes this month.

Among other suspects in the case include, Mr. Henry Milanzi Chirombo, Mr. Charles Mwase, Mr. John Ndaziona Kachingwe and Mr. Harrison Kamuyango.

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