Veteran politician cum Pastor, Brown James Mpinganjira has said his focus is to make PP – where he serves as Treasure General – a strong party and not interested in government positions.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with ZBS, Mr. Mpinganjira refuted reports that he declined an offer to be Malawi’s Ambassador to China.

BJ, as he is fondly called, said President Joyce Banda never offered him that position.

“I was never offered that position but my focus is to help make PP stronger so that we win the 2014 elections,” said Mpinganjira who kept on referring to God through-out the interview.

Asked to come clear if he would accept an ambassadorial position, BJ kept on saying his interest is to make the party stronger in the country.

“Will we build PP while in China? Time will come for those positions but now I am telling you that my focus is build the party locally,” said Mpinganjira.

Commenting on why he was not included in cabinet, the veteran politician said it was important to include MPs in the cabinet to build a power a base.

“All what happened we discussed as a party and we all agreed,” said Mpinganjira. “It could have been possible to include all of us in cabinet but we couldn’t have a working power base.”

Does he feel used and dumped? “If that was the case I would have resigned long time ago. The fact that I am still Treasure General it means everything is fine with me in the party.”

Asked if it could be possible that he was never included in cabinet because of massive allegations of nepotism when he was Minister of Information in UDF government, Mpinganjira said:

“Those allegations are not true. I am not nepotistic. Why can’t you remind me of the good things I did as Minister then like bringing television, cell phones, and private radio stations,” he queried.

Asked if he will contest at the party’s fourth coming position, BJ said he will contest for any position that people and God want to him to vie for.

“Without God I am nothing. I will do what God wants me to do,” said Mpinganjira.

On family life, he said he is now married to a wife he believes was God forgiven.

“My life has greatly changed. I don’t blame any woman I married before but I know I was the problem because I was the problem. I was not walking with Jesus Christ,” said Mpinganjira.

He also paid special tribute to Major Prophet Bushiri as a man of God who has helped him a lot in his spiritual life.

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