One of the finest stand-up comedians John Nyanga is back for an encore – and this is no joke.

Nyanga, popularly known as Izeki, is coming back to the world of comedy to continue starring alongside his longtime collaborator Eric Mabedi as the crack-a-rib duo Izeki and Jakobo.

Nyanga announced his retirement from drama last year to embark on a new journey as a prophet. Yesterday, the funny-as-hell character said he is back after receiving pressure from the public.

“I know a lot of people will say I am a confused person, but I am not, I am still the prophet. Ministering the word of God will always be my number one work. People have been calling for my comeback but I was waiting for the right time and so this is the time God has given me the go ahead,” said the pint-sized comedian.

He said that he has been praying over the issue as some people have been questioning why he dumped comedy which he could also do while preaching the word of God.

“I have been in discussion with my colleague Eric Mabedi and I told him that God will take control of everything. I want to say it here that I will only be involved with comedies live and recorded ones. However, ministry will always be the first.

“I will even cancel shows in the advent that there is God’s work to be done. In all this we will be guided by God,” said Nyanga.

He said for a start, they have already put up comedies which will start screening on MBC TV after an eight year absence. “People should be prepared to watch our comedies on MBC TV soon, the recordings have already been done and on top of the live performances we are also looking at compiling some of our previous comedies,” said Nyanga.

The comedian, who admitted that Izeki ndi Jakobo’s career nose-dived following a ban by the previous regime on the state broadcaster, said their comedies will not be associated with any political party.

“It should be made clear here that we are not associated with any political party and this is why I am saying we will be guided by the Holy Spirit,” said the former United Democratic Front (UDF) staunch sympathiser.

Nyanga however, stressed that his return to comedy does not mean he is also back with Kwathu Drama Group.

“Let me put it clear here that my return is only for comedy as Izeki and Jakobo and not Kwathu Drama Group. I believe God created Izeki and Jakobo for a purpose and he is the one who made us have these names. This is the time now when people will see the real Izeki and Jakobo,” said Nyanga.

On his part, Mabedi said he is excited with Nyanga’s decision, confessing that his partner’s one year absence affected him in terms of comedies.

“I am more than happy that he is back, I missed him and I can only say welcome back,” he said.

On stage and out of it, in words and in deeds, the 48-year-old Izeki is a colossus of a comedian who does not only entertain Malawians but even people from neighbouring countries like Zambia will agree.

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