Former Chief Executive of Admarc Charles Matabwa has written the government to find out the way for-ward on the termination of his contract half way through.Matabwa was fired in May this year and was replaced by Jerry Jana.According to Matabwa’s employment contract which was renewed in 2010, he was employed to serve the corporation from June 1, 2010 for a term of 48 months. This means that his term would have expired in May 2014.

In an interview Matabwa said he was not given any reason why his contract was terminated half way through and that he was neither bitter nor angry about it.He said he had written the statutory corporation to find out what will happen after the termination of his contract.”Government gave me a chance to work for Admarc and as an employer government can hire or dismiss. However, I have written Admarc to find out what will happen since I was in the middle of my contract,” Matabwa said.

Asked to comment on the duration of his contract and gratuity benefits, Matabwa refused to give more details saying the chairperson or the company secretary of Admarc were in a better position to comment.

However, government and Admarc board are throwing the ball to each on why Matabwa was given a four year contract instead of the usual three year contract.

“There was no favouritism, talk to the chairman or company secretary, they will explain to you why I was given a 48 months contract,” he said.

Under remuneration and benefits, Matabwa was entitled to a consolidated salary of K19, 133,040 per annum.

While on death gratuity, Matabwa was offered a death gratuity equal to three times his annual consolidated salary which was to be paid into his estate in the event of his death while this contract of employment subsists.

In a separate interview, Admarc director of administration and company secretary, George Bakuwa, confirmed to have received a letter from Matabwa and that the issue was referred to government. “It is true that Dr. Matabwa wrote Admarc on the way forward considering that he was in the middle of his contract. This was referred to government as well,” Bakuwa said.

Bakuwa said government is in a better position to know reasons for the termination since the contract was terminated by government.

He also refused to justify the four year term given to Matabwa saying: “..that would be best answered by the appointing authority which is government.”

Government has been dilly-dallying on the matter for the past two months as it could not respond to a questionnaire that was sent through the comptroller of statutory corporation, Nwazi Thambala. Thambala has also not been answering calls from Malawi News after promising that she would respond to the questionnaire.

Chief secretary to government, Bright Msaka, said such contracts are done by the boards and that Admarc board was in a better position to respond.

When contacted Admarc board chair Ernest Malenga said Matabwa’s contract would be better explained by the appointing authority which he said is the government.

“The appointment is in the hands of the appointing authority who is government in this case. Therefore the chair or the board does not have own mandate to run the statutory. The decision about Dr. Matabwa’s appointment was made by government and it was communicated to us through the office of the president and cabinet.

“Even about the termination of his contract we do not know why his contract was terminated. We were just told about his firing, so we act on instructions from government,” Malenga said.

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