The Malawi Film Festival will kick start on September 1 in Lilongwe with the upcoming film makers having workshops, according to Film Association of Malawi’s Festival Director Ezaius Mkandawire.

Mkandawire said the Film Workshop will run for six days and will draw 35 participants from the Central Region, 40 from the Southern Region and 30 from the Northern region.

“These young and upcoming film makers will be trained by Lisa Leeman and Amy from Hollywood, America,” said Mkandawire. After the film workshops, there will be screenings from September 8-9 at Lilongwe Girls Secondary School, Natural Resources College and YESED Malawi.

“The aim of the festival is to encourage the local film industry which is almost dead or non existent. We are actually challenging the film makers to bring their stories to the big screen this time around and
we will be very happy to have as many as young people taking part,” he said.

He said there will be students from Chancellor College and The Polytechnic amongst the participants.

“We would want to involve as many students as possible because these are the people who can help in rejuvenating the industry I the country,” he said.

The Festival is being held with the assistance from Goethe Institute from South Africa and American Embassy Public Affairs Section.

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