The much awaited report into the death of Robert Chasowa, the Polytechnic student who was murdered in mysterious circumstances is in its final phases, Malawi News has learnt.

President Joyce Banda, after taking over the presidency, immediately set up a Commission of Inquiry to establish what caused the death of the fourth year mechanical engineering student in September 2011.

Chairperson of the Commission, Judge Andrew Nyirenda, said that the report should be presented to the President within two weeks.

“I can confirm that at the moment we are finalizing the report. All the hearings were conducted successfully as such we should be able to present it inside 14 days,” he said.

However, Nyirenda would not reveal the identity of people who were summoned to appear before the commission saying that would preempt the contents of his report.

“I can assure you that you will be able to know them once the report goes public as that information forms part of the report. We have received information from various people but I can’t just state the number of hearings we have had so far ,” he added.

He however said his committee had tried to expedite the process in line with the instructions from the President.

“As members of the inquiry team we believe we have tried to speed up the inquiry which we have done in about four months. We have been working day and night to reach this stage,” Nyirenda said.

Other members of the Commission are former police commissioner Mary Mangwiza Manyusa, politiciancum- lawyer Paul Maulidi,pathologist George Liomba and veteran civil service administrators Sophie Kalimba and Ben Mbewe.

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