Workers in the ministry of information should lead by example when civic educating others on the evils of corruption, Principal Secretary Antony Livuza said on Tuesday in Lilongwe.

Briefing the ministry’s employees in the presence of Anti Corruption Bureau ACB officials, Mr. Livuza said corruption is a big enemy because it hinders national development efforts.

“As a government information dissemination organ, the Ministry should endeavour through its well established structures to compliment efforts aimed at fighting corruption by creating awareness out there,” said Livuza.

He said the ministry will be committed to the objectives and scope of the memorandum of understanding it signed with the ACB in May 2011.

The Principal Secretary appealed to officers in the ministry to ensure that the partnership with the ACB is vibrant and effective by committing themselves to the aims and objectives of the MOU.

ACB Head of the Corruption Prevention and Public Education Department Mrs. Mary Phombeya said the objective of the meeting was to sensitize staff members on the importance of fighting corruption at all times.

Former Information Minister Vuwa Kaunda once castigated the ministry’s employees of being corrupt, alleging that some of them tried to woo him into accepting a K5 million bribe to help cut corners so that a certain mobile telephone operator easily get a licence.

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