Malawi’s Vice President Khumbo Kachali has been heavily faulted for his outbursts towards critics of the state presidency’s frequent travels.

The critics argue that the state presidency is misusing tax payer’s money through frequent internal travels.

Members of the public have hinted that the current leadership should be delegating some of the duties to senior officers in order to cut down on public spending.

However, Kachali is on record to have lashed out at the critics saying they should be in deep shame as “ we (himself and President Joyce Banda) don’t go to your mothers houses or use your money to carry out public services..”

The ranting was a reminder of Bingu wa Mutharika’s ‘Go to hell’, ‘mumangolira ngati nkhuku’, or Bakili Muluzi’s ‘Timayenda kwamanu’.

Kachali made the remarks on Wednesday this week in Karonga during the official launch of a multimillion Kwacha Multipurpose Community Telecentre in the district.

Chancellor College based political scientist Mustapha Hussein has since described the outbursts by the vice president on government’s critics as insensitive.

He told Capital Radio that it is not right for the current administration to approach such a matter lightly.

He has since advised the Joyce Banda administration to be accommodative to dissenting views as the country is still on the path to economic recovery.

“Firstly, the authorities need to listen and learn a sympathetic ear to the public views, avoid dismissing calls out rightly without being empathetic. These are hard times they should act as role models through actions that show indeed we are working towards recovering the economy through prudent use of resources,” said Hussein.

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